Territory, 2018
XPS foam, steel, plaster, sand, cotton, wool, latex, floc, acrylic paint
A Passing Permanence
Free Art Space
Helsinki, Finland
3.5.18 — 6.5.18
Group show with Emma Jääskeläinen, Mikko Kuorinki, Man Yau, Nabb+Teeri & Collin Velkoff
Curation and text by Jaakko Rintala
Photography by Emma Sarpaniemi
A survey into the phenomenology of experience during late modernity
”You first saw the light on such and such a day and now you are on your back in the dark.”1
Can we presume all time to be included in a singular world opened through experience? The exhibition’s name refers to the idea that the world opened through experience is a continuum of truth and reality which constitutes our being in the world. As such we can think of time as a multitude of binds and strings which entwine as a kind of bricolage2 rather than an ever-expanding linear line. And here we are; bound to this earth with the binds of time.
This also raises questions of the dialectical nature of freedom and necessity. If we as aforementioned understand ourselves as a part of the intertwined network of time, being and experience then we can start to critically examine what these circumstances mean. We are a part of – whether we want it or not – countless different communities, societies and spheres of influence which constitute our existence; state, currency, sex for example.
This is the interface on which A Passing Permanence takes place, it’s intent to survey those structures and borders that compose experience and constitute our being in the world.
1 Beckett, Samuel. Company. United Kingdoms: Calder Publications; 1982. 2 French word for do-it-yourself, tinkering or creating from a variety of available things.